Thursday, September 2, 2010

Labor Terms

Here is a list of the terms we went over today:

– list of people/organizations that are discriminated against
Rank and File – all other members of union separate from officers
Boycott – collective action of refusing to do something as a means of solving a dispute
Pie card members – union members that are just interested in benefits of union but do not really support the union
Scab – worker that refuses to join in strike, also workers that are hired by company during strike
Bargaining Unit – group of employees recognized by company and union who are responsible for collective bargaining with company
Grievance – Formal complaint filed by employee when they feel employer has violated terms of bargaining contract
Wildcat Strike – go on strike without authorization of union
Sit-down Strike – workers physically occupy the factory/workspace until terms of strike have been met
Featherbedding – Union demands for payment of work not performed, or the practice of hiring more workers than needed, generally used by management to describe wants of workers
Wobbly – Member of the IWW

Don't forget to start thinking about your research topics! See you Tuesday.

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