Friday, September 3, 2010

The Coal Miners of West Virgina and the Massey Energy Disaster

*Remember that whenever you read anything, be aware of the source: Is this a reliable source? What do you know about the author? Does it seem to be bias or politically motivated? You should ask yourselves these questions with ALL sources you come across.

Please watch parts 1 and 2 of Don Blankenship's speech during a labor day rally in West Virginia. Blankenship is the CEO and Chairman of Massey Energy Co. This rally was held in September 2009.

What does Blankenship discuss in his speech?
What subjects seem to get the most response from his audience?

Next, please read this article from April 2010:

W.Va. Mine Blast Disaster Kills at least 25 - an article from USA Today

And then watch this short clip (my apologies about the annoying commercial)

America's Dark History of Coal - an article from the Los Angeles Times

Union Busting Associated with Massey's Coal Mining Disaster - an article from

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