Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back from Detroit!

Hey everyone -

I'm playing catch-up with everyone's blogs. I've finally responded to several posts that I wanted to. I spent the weekend at a conference in Detroit. In case you've never been to one, history conferences consist of a bunch of researchers from all over the country (and sometimes world) discussing a common field. This conference was specifically geared for labor historians and I presented on a section of one of my dissertation chapters. As much as I HATE presenting in front of a group of strangers, the talk went over really well. People were very supportive and I got some great feedback. Plus I got to hear some other great presentations as well.

Remember at the end of the semester, each of you will be responsible for presenting your research in front of the class. In case anyone has any reservations about presenting in front of a group, please remember that we're here to support each other, not criticize! Hopefully, as college students, you've all learned by now that, when it comes to education, all we can do is learn more! I've already learned a lot about labor history from the class just by listening and reading about your research, so please remember how valuable your ideas are. Please don't be afraid to share them!

I'm planning on going over some information about the paper on Tuesday, so please come to class prepared to ask questions and get help! Bring any work you've done so far with you. I'm not going to be judging the amount of work you have, but you may end up getting some valuable help from the class!

That's all for now!

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